Professor Maha Abdelrahman |
+44 (0) 1223 337158 | |
Professor in Development Studies and Middle East Politics, B.A. (The American University of Cairo), M.A. (The American University of Cairo), Ph.D. (Institute of Social Studies, The Netherlands) |
Dr Marthe Achtnich |
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Assistant Professor, Development Studies, University Teaching Officer |
Maha Al-Haddad |
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Title: Black-Palestinian Transnational Solidarities: Contemporary renewals and digital manifestations., Supervisor: Professor Maha Abdelrahman, Queens' College |
Dr Ilias Alami |
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Director of PhD Programme, Assistant Professor in the Political Economy of Development, University Teaching Officer |
Baptiste Albertone |
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Title: To Green or not to Green? Sustainability, Structural Change, and Industrial Policy in Latin America, Supervisor: Professor Ha-Joon Chang, Darwin College |
Fadi Amer |
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Title: Laissez-Piller: A political economy analysis of financial sector-led growth in Lebanon, Supervisor: Professor Ha-Joon Chang, Queens' College |
Dr Bruna Angotti |
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Research Associate |
Idil Asan |
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Title: The Politics and Sociology of 'Vulnerability' in Humanitarian Bureaucracy: Turkey's Refugee Response , Supervisor: Professor Maha Abdelrahman, Girton College |
Zeli Cheng |
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Title: From Fragmented Power to Strong State: An investigation into state-society structure transformation in Malaysia (1874-2018) , Supervisor: Professor William Hurst, Newnham College, First Year Student |
Clément De Rivas |
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Title: A constructivist and institutionalist political economy perspective on ideational, political and institutional change in France and Poland, Supervisor: Professor Ha-Joon Chang, Darwin College |
Professor Graham Denyer Willis |
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Director, Centre of Development Studies , Professor, Centre of Development Studies and Centre of Latin American Studies, B.A. (Toronto), M.A. (Royal Roads), Ph.D. (MIT) |
Promise Frank Ejiofor |
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In Search of Social Order: Disappearance, Insurgency, and the Production of Social Death in Nigeria, Supervisor: Professor Graham Denyer Willis, Queens' College |
Frank Evans |
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MPhil Course Administrator |
Professor Shailaja Fennell |
+44 (0) 1223 764048 | |
Professor of Economic Security and Resilience , Deputy Head of Department, Department of Land Economy, Director, Centre of South Asian Studies, Fellow of Jesus College |
Dr Jostein Hauge |
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Assistant Professor, Development Studies, University Teaching Officer , Official Fellow, Magdalene College, BSc (NTNU, Norway), MSc (SOAS, University of London), PhD (University of Cambridge) |
Sir Brian Heap |
Distinguished Fellow |
Nikita Hiralal |
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Title: So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish: Livelihood Challenges and Coping Strategies of Sub-Saharan African Subsistence Fishing Communities , Supervisor: Professor Shailaja Fennell, Jesus College |
Alessandro Hoermann |
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Title: The Securitisation of Industrial Policy and Its Impact on Economic Development, Supervisor: Dr Jostein Hauge, Sidney Sussex College |
Sripriya Iyengar Srivatsa |
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Title: The Political Economy of Taxation and Sub-National Legislative Commitment in East African and Indian States, Supervisor: Professor Shailaja Fennell, St. Catherine's College |
Sai Sangeet Jain |
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Title: A political economy approach to the development and accumulation of productive capabilities in India, Supervisor: Professor Ha-Joon Chang, Newnham College |
Donghua Jiao |
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Title: How does the World Bank become the “Bank of the World”? --- An examination on the Bank’s adaptation to changing missions, global economic development and the emerging challenges of multilateralism in the early 21st Century, Supervisor: Professor Diane Coyle, Murray Edwards College, First Year Student |
Takahiro Kamisuna |
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Title: Oligarchy in motion: ‘Dirty’ politics in ‘clean’ energy transitions in Indonesia, Supervisor: Professor William Hurst, Queens' College |
Dr Ekin Kurtiç |
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Assistant Professor, Development Studies, University Teaching Officer |
Epifania Langa |
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Title: Understanding Structural Transformation, Industrial Development and the State: the Case of Mozambique, Supervisor: Professor Ha-Joon Chang, Clare Hall College |
Bohm Lee |
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Title: A critical analysis of the history of South Korea’s education policy between 1980 and 2020, Supervisor: Professor Shailaja Fennell, Emmanuel College, First Year Student |
Professor Peter Nolan |
+44 (0)1223 339477 | |
Director of the Chinese Executive Leadership Programme (CELP), M.A. (Cantab.), M.Sc., Ph.D. (London), CBE, Not taking PhD Students |
Felipe Puccioni |
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Title: Management, institutional arrangements and education: A three-level clustered randomised field experiment in Rio de Janeiro, Supervisor: Dr Tiago Cavalcanti, Trinity College |
Daniel Rincon-Machon |
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Title: Communication, non-state armed actors, and governance: the role of digital tools., Supervisor: Professor Graham Denyer-Willis, Clare Hall College |
Biagio Rosso |
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Title: Modelling Economic Dynamics in Poor Rural Economies with Bottom-Up Institutional Organisation: Elements and Applications. Essays in Computable DGE and Development Macroeconomics, Supervisor: Professor Shailaja Fennell, Corpus Christi College |
Andres Sevilla-Gaitan |
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Title: The everyday life of longline fishing people in Costa Rica., Supervisor: Professor Graham Denyer Willis, Fitzwilliam College |
Selina Stranz |
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Centre Administrator |
Dr Harriet Sturdy |
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PhD Administrator |
Chee Yong Tan |
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Title: Building an Equitable Nation: New Economic Policy (NEP) and State-building in Malaysia, Professor William Hurst, St. Catherine's College |
Dr Yunan Xu |
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Assistant Professor, Development Studies, University Teaching Officer |
Kiryl Zach |
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Title: Polish industrial policy in a long-term perspective., Supervisor: Professor Ha-Joon Chang, Robinson College |
Shidai Zhang |
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Title: The Rise of the Investor State in China, Supervisor: Professor Ilias Alami, Lucy Cavendish College |