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Centre of Development Studies


Name Office phone Email address Job titles
Professor Maha Abdelrahman +44 (0) 1223 337158 Professor in Development Studies and Middle East Politics, B.A. (The American University of Cairo), M.A. (The American University of Cairo), Ph.D. (Institute of Social Studies, The Netherlands)
Dr Marthe Achtnich Assistant Professor, Development Studies, University Teaching Officer
Maha Al-Haddad Title: Black-Palestinian Transnational Solidarities: Contemporary renewals and digital manifestations., Supervisor: Professor Maha Abdelrahman, Queens' College
Dr Ilias Alami Director of PhD Programme, Assistant Professor in the Political Economy of Development, University Teaching Officer
Baptiste Albertone Title: To Green or not to Green? Sustainability, Structural Change, and Industrial Policy in Latin America, Supervisor: Professor Ha-Joon Chang, Darwin College
Fadi Amer Title: Laissez-Piller: A political economy analysis of financial sector-led growth in Lebanon, Supervisor: Professor Ha-Joon Chang, Queens' College
Dr Bruna Angotti Research Associate
Idil Asan Title: The Politics and Sociology of 'Vulnerability' in Humanitarian Bureaucracy: Turkey's Refugee Response , Supervisor: Professor Maha Abdelrahman, Girton College
Zeli Cheng Title: From Fragmented Power to Strong State: An investigation into state-society structure transformation in Malaysia (1874-2018) , Supervisor: Professor William Hurst, Newnham College, First Year Student
Clément De Rivas Title: A constructivist and institutionalist political economy perspective on ideational, political and institutional change in France and Poland, Supervisor: Professor Ha-Joon Chang, Darwin College
Professor Graham Denyer Willis Director, Centre of Development Studies , Professor, Centre of Development Studies and Centre of Latin American Studies, B.A. (Toronto), M.A. (Royal Roads), Ph.D. (MIT)
Promise Frank Ejiofor In Search of Social Order: Disappearance, Insurgency, and the Production of Social Death in Nigeria, Supervisor: Professor Graham Denyer Willis, Queens' College
Frank Evans MPhil Course Administrator
Professor Shailaja Fennell +44 (0) 1223 764048 Professor of Economic Security and Resilience , Deputy Head of Department, Department of Land Economy, Director, Centre of South Asian Studies, Fellow of Jesus College
Dr Jostein Hauge Assistant Professor, Development Studies, University Teaching Officer , Official Fellow, Magdalene College, BSc (NTNU, Norway), MSc (SOAS, University of London), PhD (University of Cambridge)
Sir Brian Heap Distinguished Fellow
Nikita Hiralal Title: So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish: Livelihood Challenges and Coping Strategies of Sub-Saharan African Subsistence Fishing Communities , Supervisor: Professor Shailaja Fennell, Jesus College
Alessandro Hoermann Title: The Securitisation of Industrial Policy and Its Impact on Economic Development, Supervisor: Dr Jostein Hauge, Sidney Sussex College
Sripriya Iyengar Srivatsa Title: The Political Economy of Taxation and Sub-National Legislative Commitment in East African and Indian States, Supervisor: Professor Shailaja Fennell, St. Catherine's College
Sai Sangeet Jain Title: A political economy approach to the development and accumulation of productive capabilities in India, Supervisor: Professor Ha-Joon Chang, Newnham College
Donghua Jiao Title: How does the World Bank become the “Bank of the World”? --- An examination on the Bank’s adaptation to changing missions, global economic development and the emerging challenges of multilateralism in the early 21st Century, Supervisor: Professor Diane Coyle, Murray Edwards College, First Year Student
Takahiro Kamisuna Title: Oligarchy in motion: ‘Dirty’ politics in ‘clean’ energy transitions in Indonesia, Supervisor: Professor William Hurst, Queens' College
Dr Ekin Kurtiç Assistant Professor, Development Studies, University Teaching Officer
Epifania Langa Title: Understanding Structural Transformation, Industrial Development and the State: the Case of Mozambique, Supervisor: Professor Ha-Joon Chang, Clare Hall College
Bohm Lee Title: A critical analysis of the history of South Korea’s education policy between 1980 and 2020, Supervisor: Professor Shailaja Fennell, Emmanuel College, First Year Student
Professor Peter Nolan +44 (0)1223 339477 Director of the Chinese Executive Leadership Programme (CELP), M.A. (Cantab.), M.Sc., Ph.D. (London), CBE, Not taking PhD Students
Felipe Puccioni Title: Management, institutional arrangements and education: A three-level clustered randomised field experiment in Rio de Janeiro, Supervisor: Dr Tiago Cavalcanti, Trinity College
Daniel Rincon-Machon Title: Communication, non-state armed actors, and governance: the role of digital tools., Supervisor: Professor Graham Denyer-Willis, Clare Hall College
Biagio Rosso Title: Modelling Economic Dynamics in Poor Rural Economies with Bottom-Up Institutional Organisation: Elements and Applications. Essays in Computable DGE and Development Macroeconomics, Supervisor: Professor Shailaja Fennell, Corpus Christi College
Andres Sevilla-Gaitan Title: The everyday life of longline fishing people in Costa Rica., Supervisor: Professor Graham Denyer Willis, Fitzwilliam College
Selina Stranz Centre Administrator
Dr Harriet Sturdy PhD Administrator
Chee Yong Tan Title: Building an Equitable Nation: New Economic Policy (NEP) and State-building in Malaysia, Professor William Hurst, St. Catherine's College
Dr Yunan Xu Assistant Professor, Development Studies, University Teaching Officer
Kiryl Zach Title: Polish industrial policy in a long-term perspective., Supervisor: Professor Ha-Joon Chang, Robinson College
Shidai Zhang Title: The Rise of the Investor State in China, Supervisor: Professor Ilias Alami, Lucy Cavendish College