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Centre of Development Studies



Dr Jostein Hauge is a political economist and an Assistant Professor at the Centre of Development Studies in the Department of Politics and International Studies (POLIS). He is also a Fellow of Magdalene College. Prior to his post at the University of Cambridge, he was an LSE Fellow in International Political Economy at the London School of Economics and Political Science. He has also worked as a Research Associate at the Centre for Science, Technology, and Innovation Policy at the University of Cambridge.

Dr Hauge completed his PhD at the Centre of Development Studies in POLIS, supervised by Ha-Joon Chang. He obtained his Master’s degree in Political Economy of Development from the University of London’s School of Oriental and African Studies, and his Bachelor’s degree in Economics from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology.


Dr Hauge’s research lies at the intersection of international political economy and development economics, with a particular focus on global and national industrialization processes. He is the author of The Future of the Factory: How Megatrends are Changing Industrialization, published by Oxford University Press. The book investigates how industrialization pathways are shaped by recent technological developments, new forces of globalization, and the threat of ecological collapse. It also charts new pathways for industrial policy and global governance. While Dr Hauge’s work concerns economic development broadly, much of his work has focused and still focuses on Africa, in particular the political economy of development in Ethiopia.

His recent research has been published in various academic journals, including African Affairs, Development Policy Review, Geoforum, New Political Economy, Third World Quarterly, and World Economy. In addition to his academic research, Jostein advises on policy issues for governments and international organisations, and has co-authored reports and articles for the UN Economic Commission for Africa, the UN Industrial Development Organisation, the World Economic Forum, and the UK Department for Business, Energy, and Industrial Strategy. His work has also appeared in various media outlets, such as The Guardian, The Economist, The Conversation and International Politics and Society.


Key publications: 

You can access all of the below publications on Dr Hauge’s website: There, you will also find essays and op-eds he has published.



1. Hauge, J. (2023). The Future of the Factory: How Megatrends are Changing Industrialization. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press.


Journal articles

2. Schaefer, S. and Hauge, J. (2023). “The muddled governance of state-imposed forced labour: multinational corporations, states, and cotton from China and Uzbekistan", New Political Economy, 28 (5): 799-817.

3. Hauge, J. (2023). "Manufacturing-led development in the digital age: how power trumps technology". Third World Quarterly, 44 (9): 1960-1980.

4. CastañedaNavarrete, J., Hauge, J., LópezGómez, C. (2021). “COVID19’s impacts on global value chains, as seen in the apparel industry”, Development Policy Review, 39 (6): 953-970

5. Hauge, J. (2020). “Industrial policy in the era of global value chains: Towards a developmentalist framework drawing on the industrialisation experiences of South Korea and Taiwan”, World Economy, 43 (8): 2070-2092.

6. Parschau, C. and Hauge, J. (2020). “Is automation stealing manufacturing jobs? Evidence from South Africa’s apparel industry”, Geoforum, 115 (Oct 2020): 120-131.

7. Hauge, J. (2019). “Should the African lion learn from the Asian tigers? A historical-comparative perspective on FDI-oriented industrial policy in Ethiopia, South Korea and Taiwan”, Third World Quarterly, 40 (11): 2071-2091.

8. Hardy, V. and Hauge, J. (2019). “Labour challenges in Ethiopia’s textile and leather industries: no voice, no loyalty, no exit?”, African Affairs, 118 (473): 712-736.


Book chapters

9. Hauge, J. and Chang, H-J. (2019). “The role of manufacturing versus services in economic development”, In P. Bianchi, S. Labory, and C. Duran (eds.), Transforming Industrial Policy for the Digital Age, pp. 12-36. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

10. Hauge, J. and Chang, H-J. (2019). “The concept of a ‘developmental state’ in Ethiopia”, In F. Cheru, C. Cramer and A. Oqubay (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of the Ethiopian Economy, pp. 824-841. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

11. Hauge, J. (2017). “Africa’s industrial policy challenge: does the expansion of global value chains call for new approaches?”, In C. Denzin and C. Cabrera (eds.), New Approaches to Productive Development: State, Sustainability, and Industrial Policy, pp. 162-193. Mexico City: Friedrich Ebert Foundation.


Policy reports

12. Gebreluel, G., Hauge, J. and Woldemariam, M. (2020). COVID-19 in the Horn of Africa: Political and Economic Impacts. Hateta Policy Research.

13. Hauge, J., Kenward, M. and Wightman, S. (2020). The future of the manufacturing workforce. Cambridge: University of Cambridge Engineering Department.

14. Hauge J. and O’Sullivan, E. (2019). Inside the black box of manufacturing: conceptualising and counting manufacturing in the economy. Cambridge: University of Cambridge Engineering Department.

15. Chang, H-J., Hauge J. and Irfan, M. (2016). Transformative Industrial Policy for Africa. Addis Ababa: United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA).

Assistant Professor, Development Studies
University Teaching Officer
Official Fellow, Magdalene College
BSc (NTNU, Norway)
MSc (SOAS, University of London)
PhD (University of Cambridge)

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