Biagio’s field of specialisation is development economics and applied econometrics. His PhD research, supervised by Professor Shailaja Fennell, examines the relationship between economic institutions, incentives framework for factor accumulation, and non-aggregative economic growth outcomes in low income environments, taking a bottom-up and household-centred approach to reassessing the institutions-growth nexus. Specifically, he examines the theoretical & methodological prospects and applications of a structural analysis of the relationship between growth and key institutional arrangements in rural economies when the latter emerge as decentralised equilibria from households’ choice processes.
His research interests include substantive and methodological issues in Economic Growth Theory; Structural Transformation Theory: Dynamic Poverty, Inequality, and Non-convex Technologies; Rural Organisation and Village Economies; Efficient Institutions Theories; Risk-Sharing, Incomplete Markets, and Self-Insurance; Dynamic Programming and Recursive Equilibrium Approaches; Discrete Choice Models and Discrete Choice Econometrics.
Biagio holds an M.Phil. from the University of Cambridge (Centre of Development Studies), and a BA (Hons.) from King’s College London. He is a graduate member of the UK Society of Professional Economists (SPE). Beyond his PhD research, Biagio is also involved in the co-supervision of UG dissertations in applied econometrics.
His research is fully funded by the Cambridge Trust in partnership with Corpus Christi College, which awarded him a Cambridge International Scholarship.