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Centre of Development Studies


Name Office phone Email address Job titles
Professor Maha Abdelrahman +44 (0) 1223 337158 Professor in Development Studies and Middle East Politics, B.A. (The American University of Cairo), M.A. (The American University of Cairo), Ph.D. (Institute of Social Studies, The Netherlands)
Dr Marthe Achtnich Assistant Professor, Development Studies, University Teaching Officer
Maha Al-Haddad Title: Black-Palestinian Transnational Solidarities: Contemporary renewals and digital manifestations., Supervisor: Professor Maha Abdelrahman, Queens' College
Dr Ilias Alami Director of PhD Programme, Assistant Professor in the Political Economy of Development, University Teaching Officer
Baptiste Albertone Title: To Green or not to Green? Sustainability, Structural Change, and Industrial Policy in Latin America, Supervisor: Professor Ha-Joon Chang, Darwin College
Fadi Amer Title: Laissez-Piller: A political economy analysis of financial sector-led growth in Lebanon, Supervisor: Professor Ha-Joon Chang, Queens' College
Dr Bruna Angotti Research Associate
Idil Asan Title: The Politics and Sociology of 'Vulnerability' in Humanitarian Bureaucracy: Turkey's Refugee Response , Supervisor: Professor Maha Abdelrahman, Girton College