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Centre of Development Studies

Nationalism and ethnic politics; race and decoloniality; terrorism and political violence; peace and conflict studies; international security


Promise Frank Ejiofor is a doctoral student in Development Studies at the University of Cambridge and Gates Cambridge Scholar. He holds an MPhil in Social Anthropology from Trinity College, University of Cambridge, and an MA in Political Science from Central European University. His research articles have been published in Ethnopolitics, Critical Studies on Terrorism, African Security, Conflict, Security and Development, The RUSI Journal, Nationalities Papers, Peace Review amongst others. He is a member of the editorial board of Ethnopolitics


Key publications: 

Decolonising Islamophobia. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 2023, 1-30.

The Fear of Ethnic Domination: Explaining the Persistence of Natural Resource Conflicts in Nigeria. Ethnopolitics, 2023, 22(1): 1-21.

Jewishness without Jews? Ontological Security, Ethnonationalism, and the Social Power of Analogical Reasoning in Postcolonial Nigeria. Nationalities Papers, 2022, 1-29. ‘

We don’t have anything’: Understanding the Interaction between Pastoralism and Terrorism in Nigeria. Conflict, Security and Development, 2022, 22(4): 345-385.

The Mobility of Terror: Motorcycle Bandits, Violence and Anarchy in Nigeria. The RUSI Journal, 2021, 166(6-7): 84-95.

Ethnic Tensions are Exacerbating Resource Conflicts in the Sahel. CPD Policy Blog:

A Post-Coup World? Mali and the Slow Decline of Military Dictatorships. The Republic:

In Search of Social Order: Disappearance, Insurgency, and the Production of Social Death in Nigeria
Supervisor: Professor Graham Denyer Willis
Queens' College

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