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Centre of Development Studies

Adam B. Lerner, PhD candidate at the Centre of Development Studies, awarded the 2018 Northedge Prize
Adam B. Lerner, a PhD candidate at the Centre of Development Studies, was awarded the 2018 Northedge Prize from MillenniumJournal of International Studies for his essay 'The Uses and Abuses of Victimhood Nationalism in International Politics.' The essay establishes a theoretical framework for comparative analyses of invocations of victimhood in international politics. It then applies this framework to a comparative case study analysis of victimhood nationalist narratives employed by former Serbian leader Slobodan Milošević and former Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion. 
Established in 1986 to commemorate the invaluable contribution of the late Professor F.S. Northedge to the creation of Millennium, the annual Northedge Essay Competition furthers a Millennium tradition of promoting exceptional student scholarship in a leading IR journal. Since its founding, Millennium has been a pivotal forum for innovative critical IR scholarship and has been run entirely by graduate students at the London School of Economics (LSE).