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Centre of Development Studies


Together with colleagues in Kenya, Cambodia and Australia, Dr. Sophie Chapman has recently published 2 articles in a special issue of the Carbon and Climate Law Review (CCLR).  The articles address key issues regarding the implementation of an international climate change policy called “REDD+” at the national level (“REDD+” stands for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing Countries).  The citations of the articles are:

1)       Sophie Chapman, Martijn Wilder, Ilona Millar and Arjuna Dibley, “Implementing REDD+ Under the UNFCCC: Basic Requirements and Guidance for Developing National Policy and Legal Frameworks” 2 Carbon and Climate Law Review (2015)

2)       Sophie Chapman et al., “A Legal Perspective of Carbon Rights and Benefit Sharing under REDD+: A Conceptual Framework and Examples from Cambodia and Kenya” 2 Carbon and Climate Law Review (2015)


Publisher:  Lexxion  (